I believe in every person’s innate nature to heal.
We all have a hungry heart to be happy, to be connected to others, and openly love those in our life. But sometimes we struggle to see how and need a little help.
Individual Therapy
Individual counseling will take on many different shapes; the route to finding happiness looks different for everyone. One thing is almost always true: the acceptance of new perspectives can help disrupt unwanted patterns, and ignite the change we’re searching for. I focus on relationships, sex therapy, trauma/PTSD, depression, addiction, family conflict, and more. If you’re here, you’re looking for something different. Individual therapy gives you the chance to evaluate and process issues that are throwing you out of balance.
Relationship and Marriage Counseling
When life gets stressful, it can bring on times of frequent conflict and detachment. I provide a safe environment, allowing couples to learn different communication methods that help them learn how to effectively articulate their needs and goals. You and your partner(s) can learn how to love one another more deeply, and with better support (even through the dark, stressful times).
Sex Therapy
Sometimes, we find ourselves not experiencing pleasure from our sexual relationship(s). The reasons are always unique, and the pathways to healing can vary greatly. Past traumas, gender confusion, and issues around your sexuality could be keeping you from living the full life that you deserve. Additionally, you might find that your sexual life feels out of control, and you are worried about addiction. I create a safe haven for exploration around the issues so that we can craft a unique pathway to finding your sexual potential.